Mbrebes Mili Food

We’re a food manufacture industry specialized in making authentic Indonesian condiments and seasonings, with our highly-praised 100% pure Brebes Fried Shallot as the leading product.

Other than fried Shallot, we also produce and sell shallot & garlic oils as our zero waste innovation products, fried garlic, Indonesian anchovy chili sauce (sambal teri) and various other mouthwatering line of products.

As a brand, we offer high-quality products with excellent value for money, utilizing mostly natural ingredients and made in hygienic production environment Adhering to good governance values and hygienic standard production process, we already have PIRT, Halal and SNI certification.

Budaya Perusahaan​

Suatu usaha yang Berkah dan di-Ridhoi oleh Allah Azza Wa Jalla serta memberikan kebermanfaatan berupa lapangan kerja yang bisa membantu meningkatkan taraf hidup karyawan dan keluarganya hingga bisa menikmati hidup untuk beribadah dan bekerja secara bahagia.